Bad effect of misuse of Mobile Phone.

Bad effect of misuse of Mobile Phone.


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We have some habits that are very harmful to our mental health. An expert has described some of the habits that people can give up to keep them safe from mental illnesses as much as possible. "Some of our habits are related to the use of the phone, which can seriously damage our mental health," he said. These include unintentionally checking the phone repeatedly, viewing notifications from various social media applications and spending more time on the phone. In these habits we are actually wanting to see notifications of our own accord and when notifications do not come or do not come to our will we do not get immediate relief, which has a very negative effect on our mental health. In the same way, overuse of the phone lowers our self-esteem and leads to negative thoughts. ”

Scientists have reported in several studies the serious negative effects of these mobile phone habits. You need to monitor your screen time and spend as much time on the screen as you can. Spending meaningless time on screen is detrimental to mental health. You also need to be mindful of following people on social media and watching their posts. Connect with positive-minded people on social media and focus on positive posts, get in the habit of ignoring negative posts.


Bad effect of misuse of Mobile Phone.
Bad effect of misuse of Mobile Phone.

"Not going out for a walk is a very negative mental health habit. It's so addictive that I don't even consider Lockdown a justification for not going out for a walk. You must go for a walk in the fresh air for at least half an hour once a day. It has a very positive effect on your mental health and protects you from many mental illnesses, including depression. By not going for a walk, you are also losing the vitamin D that you get from sunlight. Lack of it can also lead to depression. Getting too little sleep is also a habit that has a negative effect on mental health. In addition to not exercising, eating poor quality food (processed foods, cakes, bread, biscuits, etc., being rude and erratic in performing various tasks in life, and postponing tasks to the next time are also habits that They are very dangerous for mental health. 

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